Somerset’s ordinance enforcement department preserves our town’s legacy as a safe and beautiful place to live and work.
For Somerset residents, this means responding to complaints and issuing citations for ordinance violations.
Common ordinance Issues
If you have a complaint or request, we encourage you to check out our most frequently reported ordinance violations. If this is not helpful, here is a complete, searchable database of ordinances. If you are a landlord or tenant and have questions about your rights, search ordinances within the Pulaski County Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (URLTA).
To make your complaint you can fill out the form below, or contact Marc Travis, ordinance enforcement officer. All complaints are confidential.
Ordinance Enforcement Complaint
Have a question or concern?
Reach out directly to our staff.

Code EnforcementCode Enforcement Board
Contact: Marc Travis
Phone: 606.425.5365 (office)
606.875.1095 (cell)
606.425.5370 (fax)