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Posts by category
- Category: Arts & Culture
- City of Somerset to receive Kentucky History Award for preservation of The Virginia
- The Virginia launches Classic Movie Night series
- Somerset celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day with annual MLK walk event
- City of Somerset takes successful art market to Rocky Hollow Park
- Week of events planned in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, National Day of Racial Healing
- City of Somerset receives Governor’s Award in the Arts
- Citizens National Bank makes 10-year financial commitment to Lake Cumberland Farmers Market
- City of Somerset assumes ownership of Virginia Theatre
- Somerset leader John Perkins recognized through downtown mural, #seemyset story series
- Painting hydrants beautifies city, enhances fire protection efforts
- New speaker system brings music to downtown streets
- City of Somerset hosts Read with Spirit Contest for local youth
- Mayor launches #seemyset Live! to support local businesses, artists and musicians
- Category: COVID
- Somerset Utilities to resume disconnects for non-payment Jan. 6
- Rocky Hollow Recreation Center, playgrounds reopen June 8
- SomerSplash Waterpark will reopen June 29
- Energy Center reopens to the public
- 2020: The Time We Missed
- City parks to reopen in a limited capacity
- Mayor develops proposal to bring restaurants, childcare facilities into Phase 1 reopening
- Mayor drafts proposal for re-opening Somerset businesses safely, strategically
- Energy Center Closed to the Public Until Further Notice
- City of Somerset Remains Committed to Service While Taking Precautions for COVID-19
- Category: Emergency Services
- Somerset police chief announces retirement
- Tips for being cold-weather ready
- Second countywide test of tornado siren system scheduled on New Year’s Eve
- City, county governments partner to test tornado siren system countywide
- Somerset Police chief named Chief of the Year
- Somerset-Pulaski County EMS receives cardiac care award
- Category: EMS
- Category: Fire
- Category: Police
- Somerset police chief, assistant chief attend D.C.-area conference
- Faith, Honor, Protect: Marquita’s Story
- Somerset Police Department receives a record sixth state accreditation
- Somerset Police work to decrease speeding through Operation Awareness initiative
- Somerset Police Department encourages community to Reach Out and Speak Up to prevent suicide
- Somerset Police share true meaning of Christmas with The Grinch by giving to local children
- Category: Enforcement
- Category: Events
- Category: General
- Somerset 2050: City of Somerset begins building roadmap to the future
- City of Somerset receives Downtown of the Year Award at annual SOAR Gala
- Full statement from Chief William Hunt on his decision to retire
- City of Somerset ABC administrator selected president of state organization
- Three city employees receive training awards
- Boys & Girls Club of Somerset will begin accepting students this fall
- Somerset’s Elaine Wilson receives
MLK Acts of Service Award - Important information about sales tax for residential utilities
- City of Somerset leaders tour new AppHarvest facility
- City of Somerset: Sinking Creek state sampling data circulating on social media is being misrepresented
- Somerset’s police chief completes FBI National Command Course
- The Virginia opens to the community Saturday, June 11
- City of Somerset partners with Pure Grain Presents
to bring live entertainment to The Virginia - Know someone with an exceptional service story? Nominate them for the Acts of Service Award
- City to host free public COVID-19 vaccination clinic
- Somerset Mayor Alan Keck selected as 2021 KLC Elected City Official of the Year
- Safety grant provides equipment for wastewater, street departments
- Somerset Police chief selected for 2021 Leadership Kentucky program
- Virginia Theatre to be renovated, restored as part of $13 million bond initiative
- Council votes to purchase Richards Court property to make stormwater improvements
- Council approves resolution to negotiate lease with University of Somerset
- Unity is the focus of Juneteenth Community Charette
- City launches Healthy Somerset initiative
- Category: Government
- Eight years running: Another clean audit report for the City of Somerset
- Somerset, Pulaski County voter information guide
- City of Somerset celebrates sixth consecutive clean audit report
- Category: City Council
- Somerset mayor proposes ordinance to address safety concerns created by panhandling
- Somerset City Council approves senior sanitation discount
- In historic collaboration, Somerset City Council and Pulaski Fiscal Court approve interlocal agreements
- City of Somerset’s credit rating upgraded
- Investing in people: Mayor Alan Keck’s statement on fiscal year 2021 budget
- City council meeting canceled in observance of Memorial Day
- Somerset City Council will meet virtually as COVID-19 crisis continues
- Category: Healthy Somerset
- Category: Human Resources
- Category: News
- Somerset City Council adopts new comprehensive plan
- City of Somerset receives $1 million grant for sidewalks on U.S. 27
- City of Somerset communications team wins two state awards of excellence
- SomerSplash Waterpark manager recognized by World Waterpark Association
- Paving begins Sunday, Aug. 20 on North Main Street, Fountain Square
- Somerset Water Service honored as best mid-size water plant and distribution system in Kentucky
- Somerset Police names new assistant chief
- City of Somerset introduces new downtown wayfinding and placemaking system
- Somerset Police leaders attend NAACP Diversity Law Enforcement Symposium
- Parks department on alert after repeated vandalism to park restrooms
- Four city employees receive certificates
for continuing safety education - Somerset police chief joins Kentucky League of Cities board of directors
- Somerset hosts 50th annual Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police conference
- Agency collaboration leads to record drug seizure for Somerset Police Department
- Literacy trail honoring retired Hopkins Elementary teacher unveiled at Rocky Hollow Park
- Somerset Police begin alarm notification outreach
- Somerset police chief appointed
to Kentucky 911 Advisory Council - Quest Counseling executive receives first MLK Acts of Service Award
- SomerSplash Waterpark’s ice skating experience will open Saturday, Feb. 12
- Somerset’s police chief selected to attend FBI National Command Course
- The Grinch arrested again, sentenced to community service to help Somerset Police give to local children
- Coalition members share successes in reducing needles, sharing resources
- Stormwater education leader elected to Southeast Stormwater Association board
- City building inspector joins state code association board
- SomerSplash GM chosen by international group as subject matter expert
- City of Somerset opens new sensory park
- City of Somerset issues systemwide boil water advisory
- Category: Parks & Recreation
- Category: planning and zoning
- Category: Public Works
- Category: Engineering
- Category: Sanitation
- Category: Streets
- Category: Tourism
- Category: Utilities
- Somerset Utilities makes changes to billing policy
- Category: Gas
- Category: Water/Wastewater
- Fischer Fun Park 2
- Miracle Museum
- Rocky Hollow Park
- Elgie Woods Piano Park
- Skate Park
- Huffacker Willow Park
- Citizens Park
- Rosewood Neighborhood Park
- Fischer Fun Park
- Somersport Park
- Bourne Park
- Rocky Hollow Recreation Center
- Josh Wesley
- Derek Flynn
- Randall Smith
- Shawn Dobbs
- Mandy Lynch
- Nancy Holland
- Donald Burgin
- Bengie Howard
- Nathan Fisher
- Steven Lee
- Devin Reynolds
- Carey Castle
- Shawn Daugherty
- Scotty Sneed
- Reggie Chaney
- Daniel Edwards
- Tom Eastham
- Amanda Bullock
- David Godsey
- Jim Mitchell
- John Ricky Minton
- Patrick Hunley
- Phyllis Lawson
- Margaret Dick
- Jimmy Eastham
- Brannen Wheeldon
- Brian Dalton
- David Burdine
- Billy Bolin
- Pete Langdon
- Jordan Hoseclaw
- Mike Dunham
- Roger Estep
- Tim Kelly
- Ashley Barker
- Ashley O'Ryan
- Frances Smith
- Wayne Harris
- Richard Cundiff
- Steve Cundiff
- Paula Stigall
- Chuck Walton
- Jeremy Bartley
- Dan Cheshire
- Ameet Patel
- Jennie Stanley
- Denton Oakes
- Joe Dungan
- Donna Turner
- Charles Epley
- Clarence Floyd
- Mary Stringer
- Janice Dye
- Jamie Tilley
- David Rogers
- Adam Richardson
- Wanda Mabry
- Charlotte Keeney
- Mike Hornback
- Ken Hayford
- Keith Floyd
- Don Elmore
- Debbie Dutton
- Willie Dick
- Jerry Claunch
- Dan Cheshire
- Brad Bigelow
- Mark Vaught
- Elaine Wilson
- Betty Cook
- John Maynard
- Kellie Baker
- David Morris
- Richard Vanhook
- Sue Sutton
- Margaret True
- John L. Perkins
- Wanda Mabrey
- Barbara Nolen
- Steven Eubank
- William Hunt
- Cleo Greer
- Kelli Greer
- John Rogers
- David Sayers
- Devan Smith
- Daisha Lile
- Jeffrey Edwards
- John Adams
- Julie Harris
- Alan Keck
- Nick Bradley
- Stephen Sims
- Dana Whitis
- Tony Claunch
- Jon Hammond
- Ryan Powers
- Darrel Sears
- Martin Johnson
- Sherri Poynter
- Joy Carroll
- Kathy Townsend
- Leslie Ikerd
- David Hargis
- Jeanette Phelps
- Jason White
- Angie Turpin
- Kim Vaught
- David Dorsey
- Bruce Neely
- Jarrad Keith
- Ashley Blevins
- Melody Price
- Marc Travis
- Tricia Neal
- Joe Lyons
- Mike Broyles
- TJ Criswell
- Gerald Roberts
- Heather Mounce
- Amy Gosser
- Lisa Harris
- Sue Holland
- Janet Wilson
- MLK Weekend Events
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Cornhole League 2022-2023
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Fire Hydrant Flushing
- Market Open
- Rook League
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Market Expo
- Rook Tournament
- Pavilion Reserved: Private Event
- Market Open
- City Council Meeting
- COVID-19 vaccine clinic
- Cornhole League
- Sanitation & Recycling
- Somersport Park
- Rocky Hollow Recreation Center
- Huffakers Willow Park
- Citizens Park
- General Burnside Island State Park
- Citizens National Bank Pavilion
- Rocky Hollow Park
- Joe Ford Amphitheater
- Council Chambers
- Downtown Somerset
- Suits-Us Farm
- Harvest Moon Festival
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Somerset City Council Meeting
- Basketball court
- Disc golf
- Dog park
- Fitness classes
- Handicap-accessible
- Multipurpose field
- Playground
- Rentals
- Restrooms
- Room rental
- Sensory equipment
- Shelter rental
- Soccer field
- Splash pad
- Sports facilities
- Stage
- Walking track
- Walking/running trail
- Weight/fitness equipment
- ABC Office
- Accounting
- Airport Board
- Board of Adjustments
- Building Inspection
- Cemetery
- City Clerk
- City Council
- Code Enforcement
- Code Enforcement Board
- Downtown Development
- Emergency Services
- Engineering
- Ethics Commission
- Executive Team
- Fuel Center
- Gas Department
- Housing Authority
- Human Resources
- Mayor's Office
- Parks & Recreation
- Planning and Zoning
- Planning and Zoning Commission
- Pulaski County Solid Waste
- Sanitation
- Street
- The Virginia
- Tourism
- Tourist and Convention Commission
- Utilities
- Wastewater Department
- Water Department
- Waterpark
Event Categories
Media Categories
- Accounting
- Agendas
- Bids
- Bills List
- BOB Gallery 2014
- BOB Gallery 2015
- BOB Gallery 2016
- BOB Gallery 2017
- Cemetery
- City Clerk
- Downtown Development
- energy center
- Fire Dept
- Fuel Center
- Garbage Dept
- Halloween 2017
- Human Resources
- images-clip art
- Mayors Office
- Minutes
- Ordinances
- Parks and Rec
- Piano Park
- Planning & Zoning
- Police
- Resolutions
- Stanley Safety
- stormwater
- street
- tourism
- Virginia Cinema
- Water Dept
- waterpark