The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) recently selected SomerSplash Waterpark’s General Manager Dr. Stephen Sims as a subject matter expert to help begin working on revamping IAAPA’s certification program.

Sims, along with 34 other amusement park and attraction leaders and experts from across the world, will work on transforming the current certification process. They have been given the responsibility to lay out a new standard for those within the amusement park and attractions industry to achieve.
Those chosen by IAAPA to be considered subject matter experts are highly qualified in the industry having exceptional experience ranging from park management, leadership experience, facility operations, guest relations, public safety, marketing, and public relations. Once completed, the certification program will become the gold standard within the attractions industry for individuals to strive and achieve around the globe.
Sims has been the general manager for SomerSplash Waterpark for more than 13 years. He is certified by the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure as a certified athletic trainer and by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association’s Board of Certification as a certified athletic trainer.